
There are many unsatisfactory ways of laying paving, and one 'correct' way.

Indian Stone Paving Slabs Indian Stone Paving Slabs

This is the method we use:
The area is dug out to about 165-170 mm below finished surface height (which should be 2 bricks below the damp course). A 100 mm thick base of compacted 'Type 1' is installed and the paving slabs are then bedded into solid mortar 35 - 40 mm thick. Finally a lean mortar mix is forced into the pointing gaps by hand. The lean pointing mortar mix is just damp enough to hold together when squeezed in the hand.

In addition, care is taken to ensure that surface water will drain away from the house; not towards it.

This method ensures the paving looks good and remains stable, also that the pointing is durable and stays in place. This care and attention to detail takes a little longer and is more demanding than some of the less rigorous methods. When comparing prices do check exactly how the paving will be laid.

Nobody lays paving better!

To become a Bradstone Assured supplier we satisfied a range of exacting standards. In addition a number of our past customers have been interviewed to establish the high quality of our work and our business standards. We are therefore proud to have been selected for the Bradstone Assured scheme.

Natural Stone Paving Slabs

Natural Sandstone Paving Slabs Natural Sandstone Paving Slabs

Natural sandstone and limestone is readily available in a selection of standard sizes and colours. The variations of tone within a particular colour can look stunning when well laid in a random/semi random pattern. The picture on the left shows an area of paving before it has been pointed.

This competitively priced material is, of course, solid stone and will not suffer the surface weathering that can affect some man-made concrete paving particularly when pressure washed.

There are however occasions where a non-slip, perfectly flat, surface is required and we can advise on manufactured paving that look good and perform well.

Stone sets are effective in bands to contrast with other paving and to provide features or detailing.

Bricks in paths or as edges can be used to effect but care is necessary to select a brick that is suitable for use in this way.

We are pleased to offer advice on suitable materials for paved areas from a few square meters to hundreds. Please contact us to discuss your paving requirements.